Salud Carbajal tweeted the following:
"Attention Santa Barbara county residents--2 Disaster Recovery/Local Assistance Centers are opening today! 10 a.m. 7 p.m. 900 South College Drive (Allan Hancock College) 6100 Wallace Becknell Rd. (Direct Relief)"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Salud Carbajal:
"I join my colleagues in condemning this horrific terrorist attack that yesterday killed at least 7 innocent civilianson Holocaust Remembrance Daywhile attending synagogue in Jerusalem.May the memory of those taken from their families be a"Read on Twitter
"My thoughts are with Tyre Nichols family & all of Memphis.The brutality Tyre suffered is appalling, and these officers actions are an insult to the vast majority of law enforcement officials who have taken an oath to public safety.These officers must be held accountable."Read on Twitter
"On #HolocaustRemembranceDay, we remember the 6 million Jewish lives taken in one of our history's worst genocides.Today reminds us what injustices are committed when hatred & bigotry is taken to their extreme, & why we must remain steadfast in our fight against discrimination." on Jan. 27Read on Twitter