Salud Carbajal tweeted the following:
"In the last 3 days, California has had 2 separate mass shootings.Communities don't even have time to grieve between tragedies.Congress must take additional actions to curb gun violence, starting with reinstating the Assault Weapons Ban & banning high capacity magazines."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Salud Carbajal:
"I recently had the opportunity to enjoy a live show by Mariachi Garibaldi de Jaime Cullar!Thank you @ArtsandLectures for continuing to bring world-class talent to our local community, and making these experiences free and accessible for all." on Jan. 23Read on Twitter
"NEW: In my time representing the Central Coast, I've seen control of Congress shift between parties multiple times.This term, I will continue fighting for solutions that deliver real results for our communities.Read my new op-ed in @LompocRecord" on Jan. 23Read on Twitter
"While the motive of this weekend's shooting is still unknown, I promise to continue working to strengthen the gun and public safety laws that can prevent these all-too-common tragedies in our nation." on Jan. 23Read on Twitter