Organization Directory
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Arts Academy At Bauer Speck Elementary
Schools: K-8 Schools | Public Elementary Schools
Most recent 07/04/22 - Out of 389 students in Arts Academy at Bauer Speck Elementary School, 15.9 percent were in fourth-grade during 2020-2021 school year
Atascadero Choices In Education (ace)
Schools: K-8 Schools | Public Elementary Schools
Most recent 01/23/25 - San Luis Obispo County Education: Which school had most students enrolled in 2022-23 school year?
Atascadero Middle
Schools: K-8 Schools | Public Middle Schools
Most recent 01/23/25 - San Luis Obispo County Education: Which school had most students enrolled in 2022-23 school year?
Baywood Elementary School
Schools: K-8 Schools | Public Elementary Schools
Most recent 01/23/25 - San Luis Obispo County Education: Which school had most students enrolled in 2022-23 school year?
Bellevue-Santa Fe Charter
Schools: K-8 Schools | Public Elementary Schools
Most recent 07/04/22 - Out of 159 students in Bellevue-Santa Fe Charter School, 11.9 percent were in sixth-grade during 2020-2021 school year
Bishop's Peak Elementary School
Schools: K-8 Schools | Public Elementary Schools
Most recent 01/23/25 - San Luis Obispo County Education: Which school had most students enrolled in 2022-23 school year?
Branch Elementary School
Schools: K-8 Schools | Public Elementary Schools
Most recent 01/23/25 - San Luis Obispo County Education: Which school had most students enrolled in 2022-23 school year?
Cambria Grammar
Schools: K-8 Schools | Public Elementary Schools
Most recent 01/23/25 - San Luis Obispo County Education: Which school had most students enrolled in 2022-23 school year?
Cappy Culver Elementary School
Schools: K-8 Schools | Public Elementary Schools
Most recent 01/23/25 - San Luis Obispo County Education: Which school had most students enrolled in 2022-23 school year?
Carrisa Plains Elementary School
Schools: K-8 Schools | Public Elementary Schools
Most recent 01/23/25 - San Luis Obispo County Education: Which school had most students enrolled in 2022-23 school year?
Cayucos Elementary School
Schools: K-8 Schools | Public Elementary Schools
Most recent 02/17/25 - 2023-24 School Year Enrollment: 26 students enrolled in kindergarten in Cayucos Elementary School District
Creston Elementary School
Schools: K-8 Schools | Public Elementary Schools
Most recent 01/23/25 - San Luis Obispo County Education: Which school had most students enrolled in 2022-23 school year?